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Never climbed outdoors?

Recreational climbing is for everybody, from 6 to 90+ years old, family or individual, male or female, tall or short :) 
We live at one of the best climbing areas in the world with moderate temperatures and possibility of climbing 365 days a year. When we add diversity of limestone walls than we can say: "Yes, we are lucky to live here."
Depending on period of the year our tours change locations from island Krk, Istria, Rijeka or Gorski Kotar while we always search for best climbing conditions. 


Baška crags

Island Krk offers us three great locations for first timers. Portafortuna, Belove Stene and Bag, each of them giving us different climbing and scenery. Best part is that we can climb there 365 days a year and most of them swim after climbing!


Istria crags

In radius of 50km Istria has around 30 craigs! Many of which are new and their number is still growing every year!
From first timer to professional climber each have many routes to climb.


Gorski kotar summer time

Only few craigs offer us hideout from summer heat and most of them are in magic forests of Gorski kotar region. If you decide to cool down in July or August that's our place to go. 



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